New Wealth Metrics
Mission Statement
The Renaissance Indexes Group (RIG, Claimant) mission is to advance and to secure the full Equalenjoyment of rights secured under the Community Reinvestment Act, Fair Housing Act – to include the Final Rule , Equal Credit Opportunity Act – Effects Test, Regulation B/C, FTC Act – Section 5, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Title VIII – 1968 Civil Rights Act in real estate related transactions to include the purchase of houses and rental properties and Equal opportunities in banking – in Equal lending, credit and banking services – that are secured under the federal banking laws, to advocate and to expand financial literacy and to bring into reality effective partnerships –in the innovative creation of new wealth- between banks and the heretofore redlined and underserved individuals, businesses, household and neighborhoods – with special emphasis on the protected classes in the underserved Neighborhoods.
RIG Purpose
Equal Housing
Equal Lending
Equal Bank
Equal Opportunities ,
Education & Outreach
To provide Equal housing opportunities for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or disability and to promote integrated neighborhoods and communities as called for by the Fair Housing Laws.
To secure for the underserved black American Neighborhoods the Equal bank investments to include: Bank branches – bricks and mortar free-standing edifices, bank financed developments – stores, supermarkets, apartment complexes, office towers, hotels, and luxury mixed use developments and Community Development Loans for the revitalization of the underserved Neighborhoods – heretofore denied by the Banks named in the HUD Discrimination Complaints.
To secure the equal lending in quantitative increases – sizes, amounts and terms in all of the aspects of real estate related transactions – to include the Bank financing of Real Estate Investment Trusts to the underserved Black American Neighborhoods, businesses, individuals, and households as well as for the homeowners and new homebuyers and increased commercial lending and construction loans for the underserved Neighborhoods.
To secure the equal Bank investments in the expenditures in advertising, informational services, promotion of lending and credit products and outreach to Neighborhood Groups and in Equal charitable contributions for the organizations and Non-Profits in the underserved Neighborhoods.
To secure for the underserved individuals, businesses and households in the black American Neighborhoods – and other underserved communities – the equal opportunities to secure the equal credit and real estate related transactions and for the reclamation of rights denied by the Banks named in the HUD Discrimination Complaints and to end the systemic denial of equal opportunities in banking services.
To provide for the education and outreach to the underserved protected classes of the full enjoyment of rights secured under the Fair Housing Act – to include the Final Rule and under Tile VIII - 1968 Civil Rights Act.
To secure the mechanisms to protect the full fair and Equal housing rights and civil rights in general of the underserved individuals and Neighborhoods – with emphasis on the protected class of black Americans.
To work effectively with the banking regulatory Agencies and with the Department of Housing and Urban Development to strengthen the enforcement actions and to affix, secure and enforce the Remedies and to correct, fix and end the historical, systemic, pervasive and continuing actions (and non-actions), practices, patterns, policies, rules and procedures of the Banks named in the HUD Discrimination Complaints that result in the disparate impact and have the disproportionate discriminate effect and establishes the prima facie case for illegal discrimination and redlining perpetrated against the protected classes – to include the protected class of black Americans.

HOUSE of REICHMAN //////////////////////////// HOUSE of REICHMAN
The mission of the House of Reichman is to finally correct and to reverse the historical and continuing present drought; disinvestment and discrimination of equal Bank investments presently denied to the black American Neighborhoods in the specified Zip Codes in Houston MSA.
New Civil Rights Agenda
-Clean Green thriving Middle Class Neighborhoods
-Business Investments / Developments
-Hi Tech Centers - Apprenticeship Facilities
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Make Civil Rights Division Great Again
The Renaissance Indexes Group is chief Complainant in Complaints filed with the United States Attorney’ office in Houston for civil actions to be filed in Federal District Court in Houston – against several Banks – Truist Bank, PNC/BBVA Bank and Amegy Bank. (The Banks)
The Complaints outline where the Banks are engaged in the systemic, pervasive and continuing practices, actions, (and non-actions) and policies that
-result in the disparate impact on the protected class of black Americans in the underserved Neighborhoods in the specified Zip Codes of Houston – and beyond
-result in the disproportionate discriminate effect on the protected class of black Americans in the Neighborhoods in the specified Zip Codes of Houston – and beyond
-denies the full enjoyment of Equal rights secured under the banking laws, secured under the Civil Rights laws – Title VIII – 1968 Civil Rights Act and under the Constitutional laws – Equal Protection Clause – 14thAmendment – United States Constitution – the underserved individuals, households and businesses in the black American Neighborhoods in the specified Zip Codes in Houston -and beyond
The Complaints outline where the practices, actions (and non-actions) and policies of the Banks are in continuing violation of the
– Community Reinvestment Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Fair Housing Act – to include the Final Rule, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Regulation B / C, FTC Act Section 5 and Fair Lending Laws
-of the controlling authority of the Court case rulings – United States Supreme Court holding in TDHCA V ICP, Inc. and of the Federal District Court rulings in US V Chevy Chase FSB and US V Hudson City Savings Bank
-of the Department Rules – holding in the HUD Complaint – US V Midland States Bancorp
-and are deliberate and willful and are in reckless disregard to the rights of the individuals, households and businesses if the protected class of black Americans in the Neighborhoods of the specified Zip Codes in Houston (and beyond)
There is nothing in the record to indicate that the Banks are going to comply with the banking laws or with the Civil Rights Laws or the the Equal Protection Clause – 14th Amendment – United States Constitution and to respect the rights of the protected class of black Americans in Houston (or beyond)
This present situation is all the more troubling in that the Banks are under the full protection of the banking regulatory Agencies – Federal Reserve - DCCA, FDIC and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Our repeated petitions to these Agencies for relief of the of the banks practices that denies Equal rights and for the reclamation of Equal rights for the protected class of black Americans has been met with only the repeated denial of rights
The numerous Complaints filed with these Agencies have fallen on deaf ears and we have not received the independent Agency investigations and robust enforcement actions that we – the aggrieved parties – are due. The Agencies have consistently failed in the faithful execution of sworn duties and in the robust enforcement of the banking laws – to include the FHA Final Rule
The Agencies are stuck in neutral – as it were – and insist on continuing with the same tired and failed scenario with respect to the Complaints
-forward the Complaints to the Banks and ask for a namby-pamby “response”, - with no independent Agency investigation and with no follow up to the Banks’ “response” to independently verify its truthfulness – swallow whole whatever “response” the Banks sends in and forwards COPY to the Claimant
Even where we have sent in the Claimant Refutations that clearly manifest that the Banks practices, actions and policies that deny the full enjoyment of Equal rights to the protected class of black Americans
-and that clearly manifest the Banks have remade the Complaint to suit its own purposes and that the Banks have failed to answer the Illegal Discrimination Claims directly truthfully and honestly and in some cases the Banks have failed to answer the Claims period and have failed to answer the Agency questions as well – and in an increasing number of Complaints the Banks have submitted outright lies
– and have been allowed to get away with these failings of execution of its sworn duties and responsibilities under the banking laws, under the Civil Rights laws and under the Constitutional laws – and have been allowed to get away with the continuing denial of Equal rights of access to capital, of lending and of banking services to the black American Neighborhoods - up until now
The Agencies have failed to enforce the banking laws – even at the most basic level – where the FHA Final Rule clearly commands the Agency to command the Banks to
-provide the legally sufficient justification to prove that the practices challenged in the Complaint are necessary to achieve one or more of the Banks legitimate substantial nondiscriminatory interests – and that these interests – where legitimate – could not be achieved by another practice with a less discriminatory effect
As the FHA Final Rule allows for no exceptions, waivers or conditional “answers” the Banks either fulfill this burden of proof under the FHA Final Rule – or it does not. Where the Banks fail in this duty the Illegal Discrimination Claims stands
To date the Agencies record of robust and remedial enforcement actions has been abysmal – the Agencies have failed to impose a single enforcement action on a single Bank – and has failed to impose a single Fine, a single Penalty, a single Cease and Desist Order, a single Removal Order or a single referral to the Department of Justice Civil Rights or to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (with the lone exception of the FRB referral to HUD in the Comerica Bank Complaint)
As stated in the Supreme Court ruling in the critical TDHCA V ICP, Inc. case – the denial of equal rights in lending and in banking services by Banks came “with governmental support” – while the Opinion was referring to the dark days of segregation of the 1960’s – the Agencies listed above still provide “governmental support” that enables the named Banks to continue in the practices, actions (and non-actions) and policies
-that continue to result in the disparate impact, disproportionate discriminate effect, illegal discrimination, redlining and denial of the full enjoyments of Equal rights
-and that continues to deny the equal rights of equal access to capital, lending, banking services and Bank investments secured under the banking laws to the protected class of black Americans
Pursuant to Constitutional rights to petition for redress of grievances the Renaissance Indexes Group petitions the Chairman and Members of the House Judiciary Committee to issue the Congressional Directive to the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division for civil actions to be filed in Federal District Court in Houston against the above named defendants – Frost Bank, Regions Bank and Comerica Bank to end the systemic, pervasive and continuing practices, actions (and non-actions) an policies that illegally discriminate on a prohibited basis and for the restoring, reclamation and robust remediation of equal rights – as called for by the banking laws - presently denied to the protected class of black Americans - individuals, households and businesses in the black American Neighborhoods by the practices, actions, non-actions and policies of the named Banks,
In The Relentless Pursuit of Justice,
Equal Access to Wealth Generation Indexes
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